Monday, April 18, 2011

Mad Hatter Cakes

Mad Hatter Cakes are nothing new, but they are definately becoming more and more popular for wedding cakes.  Some couples still love to stick to a "White Wedding" cake, but more often I'm having people order outside the box.  WHICH I LOVE!!  Making any type of cake is fun, but it's exciting to have something different.  Make you learn something different!  This is one of my favorite cakes!  The Bride and Groom were so much fun to meet with.  They new exactly what they wanted and the Groom was actually quite involved.  It was his idea on how to do the Silver Balls.  So Thank you for that!!  They also had one of the layers split in the middle with different filling.  One side was Peanut Butter frosting and the other was Raspberry.  One of the servers at the Wight House Reception Center said it was the best PB and J they'd ever had!

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